Wednesday, March 31, 2004


Have you ever felt.. that what you have at the moment... your life.. your problems... they're just too complicated to handle? Too complicated that you got confused of how to deal with them? Too complicated that you felt like you just wanted to run away and leave them all behind? Completely run away wishing that you wouldnt have to face any of them anymore. Felt like running away and start a new life at all without those problems?

Well, it once or twice crossed my mind.
But fortunaltely i was still sane enough to think that somehow what i have is always be better than others out there. Someone out there would've wished that he/she were me. So, i guess i just have to thank God with all of this. Somehow there will be something good out of it. Someday i might be grateful that i deal with it.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Baru aja namatin buku 'Why men dont listened and women cant read maps' -nya Barbara & Alan Pease. Top deh buku itu. Isinya hasil penelitian untuk jangka waktu yang lama mengenai cowo and cewe, perbedaan, cara berpikir, cara menanggapi masalah, dll yang dikaitkan dengan kodratnya masing2. Banyak berisi hal2 nyata yang sebenernya loe udah tau, tapi justru tidak pernah tersadari akan hal tersebut.
Walopun itu penelitian, tapi bagus deh sajiannya.. ringan, gak berasa ilmiah, dan enak banget dibaca. Gua definitelly will recommed it untuk semua orang yang bahkan berpikiran bahwa mereka mengerti ttg lawan jenis. It's a good book.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Jobless, pengangguran..
Apa sih rasanya...
Ya begini ini.. gak ada kerjaan.. gak ada tempat untuk wajib didatangi setiap hari kerja. Bisa bangun sebebasnya, mau langsung mandi pagi, atau langsung sarapan kek, mau cetting seharian kek, mau jalan-jalan seharian... bebas!
Bebas emang... tapi.. sedih (hiks).... i'm alone.
Gimana nggak.. temen2 gua kan punya kesibukan semua... gak bisa diajak hang out setiap saat.

Uhm.. jadi gini nih ternyata rasanya 'tidak produktif'.
Ternyata bisa bikin stress juga... se-stress-stress-nya ngerjain kerjaan di lab, ternyata masih lebih stress gak ada kerjaan... akibatnya weekend gak ada indah2nya.. gak ada spesial2nya.. berasa sama aja.

Pantesan bokap dulu sempet agak stress waktu baru pensiun. Ternyata ya begini ini deh rasanya. Untung gua ga totally nganggur, at least masih ada kerjaan yang bisa ngehasilin duit... ya lumayan lah buat beli pulsa atau sekedar hang out ama temen (yang belum tentu seminggu bisa sekali).

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

First entry...

What's with almost 25?
Yup.. i'm almost 25 at the moment... that's almost a quarter of a century, geez...
Almost 25, and i still dont know what to do with my life.
Almost 25, and my head is full with thoughts of life... simple thoughts, wise thoughts, or even a crazy thoughts.
And i need to pour them out of me somehow... somewhere...
So this is it...