Thursday, August 4, 2005


Blogs i read, in alphabetical order. Or see Image hosted by

Blogger Indonesia

Adham Somantrie: Personal Online Playground
Adhitya: suamigila
Agung: Mbot's HQ
aozora: Blue Sky Blog
Andy: Village of lost
Apep: Absolute Pepper
Aprian: don't steal my morning
aRdh0: Inside of my head
Arief: Antologi Esai
Aroengbinang: The Aroengbinang Project
Arsy n Mom
Astri - Naufal: dunia anakku
Awaloeddin Devie: [antara aku dan kamu]
Berita dari kampus ITB - Journal
Bradley: -buraddori-
Bukan Chicklit!!
Bunda Zidan & Syifa
» Zidan & Syifa (lanjutan blog Bunda Zidan & Syifa)
Cerita 100 kata
Dahlia: Kumpulan Cerita Dahlia
Daily Life Comic
Dian: Too Much Love Will Kill You
Dini: Bunda..How are you today??
Dodolzk: the DodolZk
dodYmania-sebuah perjalanan hidup
Dwire: (only) One side of Dwire
Dy: ...great food...great place...great life...
Eben Ezer S: The Beautiful Sarimatondang
Enda: Enda's Weblog
Enji: homemade is always the best
Elda: paprikaijo
Ellen: if..if...iffah!
Elsa: quack's life
Endang: Disclose My Mind
Epri: Epri's World
Erlin: FECelin's Blog
Erma: Feel... Think... Write...
Eva: Beranda Kenangan
Evie: Mommy Cal
Fa: My Homesite
Fahri: flod-power
Farika: Into The Void
Fatchur Berlianto: .. baiturrahmah..
Fatih: Blogger Indonesia A.F.Syuhud Weblog
Feby: Cahaya diatas cahaya
Fira Basuki: Fira's Fire - Hot flames
Fitri Mohan: Negeri Neri
Fitri - Salad Mangga
Foens: --|| seSederhana itu Segalanya ||--
Geekgirl: lowercaser
Hany: Bintang dan Matahari
Hedwigus: Me, Hedwig
Ida: Eleven Shoes In The Sky
Ifa: [h.e.r]s.t.o.r.y
Imponk: no Trash
Indonesia Anonymus
Irwan Rouf: merinding disko!
Ita: my little thought
Iwan: N@wee blog
Iyok: secangkir teh hangat
John: Cowok Melayu Journey
Kang Andres: Hikmah Dalam Hidup
kere kemplu: bloGombal
Lia: my patience...
Lita: Banana Talk
Luigi: My African Journal
MamaxQs: Cahaya mata
Marco: life less ordinary
Mariskova: Pages of Mariskova
Masfaiz: Taman Hati Abdurahman Faiz
Mayang: Mayang's Life
Merry Magdalena: Revolusi Seksual
milist beasiswa
ml-yono: Alaska
muhy: the real Muhy's
my blog.packer journal
Nana: Aniara
Ndew: Serba-serbi
Neenoy: [waterflow] perahu-kertas
Neng Gina: Campur aduk @ VuotaVita
Ninit: istribawel
Nisi: My Corner
Nita: Nita's Footprints
Nunieq: Catatan Bunda
Okta: Ritual Pagi
Pipit: comel
Poetry: Ma' Journey is a Poetry
Polisi EYD
ProfMustamar: goresan hitam putih
R-Me: Just Me
Rara: RaraVebleS
Reni: Reni's Cafe
Rho Mayda: ~Kampoeng~
Rifki: echo from the past
Rio Rinaldo: for a moment
Rita: blogrita
Roy Suryo Watch
sebuah jalan untuk BERUBAH!
Seszy: plisdongah
Siswa Rizali: I'm your huckleberry
Sunaryo Hadi: Coldfusion Programmer
Syanti: syanti's diary
the naked traveler
Thea: Pop Goes The Weasel
Triesti: ::Random Thoughts on Passing Scene::
Tukang Koran
Upi: bLuEpIcKo
Vera DD: KontemplasI
Wesy'cici': Keep Smiling
Wimar Witoelar: Perspektif Online
Wira: @ lifetime learner
Wulan: Wulan's Blog
Yanti: Jalan Kenangan
Yanti: My log talk joke
Yenny: My World
YNa: Utak-atik blog
Blogger Asing

Confessions of a bad husband
Eyes wide apart
Farmgirl Fare
Ginny's Thoughts and Things
Las Fashionistas
My Very Own Glob {Curiosa Felicitas}
Overheard in the office
Utata: The Serial Photography of Catherine Jamieson
When in doubt, blame the traffic
Xiaxue: Why are you worshiping the ground i blog on

Last updated: Dec 2, 2008