Oh no... i forgot to call mom tonight. I promised to call home last night. But since i forgot, i planned to do it tonight. Hell, i forgot again. Maybe my age has been eating my memory bit by bit, or maybe i've used up all of my memory in my brain... sigh.
Anyway, it's to late now, and American Idol is on. My mom is probably asleep.
But i miss her, i miss my pap, my sisters, and my brothers.
I miss home.
Just before i came back to Singapore, we -my whole family- had the opportunity to take a family picture. It was around the Idul Adha holiday. This time we really meant it. My mom had been asking me to arrange the time when every family member have a free time to go to the photo studio. It was hard to arrange something like that. First of all, one of my sister is living so far out of the province since she got this good job at Batam, so we had to wait until she was on vacation in Bandung. Secondly, our schedule, of course. Every person has his/her own schedule. Even when I tried to reserve their time, it turned out that 'family picture' was not really as important as their other schedules. Someone eventually just can't make it.
I had to change strategy.
This time no early plan for going to the photo studio. One morning, i think it was Friday, i just told them that we're going to take family picture tomorrow, on saturday night. So i wanted everybody to be prepared and be in the photo studio by 7pm. I didn't even ask whether they can make it or not. I just assumed that everybody was free on saturday night, and even if they weren't i would just tell them to cancel whatever their schedule was for the night.
It worked.
And so, we finally had our very own family picture, a complete formation.
Let me tell you a little bit about them.
My mom, is a super mom. She's a very good cook... well, every mother is the best cook to their children. But, really, my mom really can cook, very well indeed. Everyone who ever tried her cook will acknowledge it. One more thing, she's a good saleswoman, or should i say she's a good marketer...? You can give her anything and she can turn it to money. Maybe it's her talent, it's in her blood. People say Padang-ians are the best seller.
My pap, is the most patient person i've ever known. Too patient sometimes it irritates my mom... haha. He's very kind, a little too kind sometimes. He took an early retirement from the company he used to work for, and he's running his own business right now. To me, he's the best father a child could ever hoped for.
My first sister, is the most calm among us, the children. She doesn't talk much. She has this 'nrimo' kind of attitude, which made my father worried for her so much when she went to Batam for the first time. He worried that people would take advantage of her. But she proves everybody wrong. Although she doesn't talk much, she thinks everything thoroughly. I learned that she's actually the most mature among us.
My second sister, is... what can i say... i usually miss her the most. She's very talkative and she brings joy to everyone around her. She's the family clown, i may say... in a good meaning. Whenever i feel sad about something, i will just call her and she can definitely make my day. Even her sms can make me laugh and forget whatever is burdening my mind. Since i'm away from home, and my first sister also works far away from home, she has become the first child of the family. She takes care lots of things at home. She's very reliable.
My brother, is a naruto freak. Well, he follows after his two sisters about this. He collects naruto character-keychains and he really wants to have every single character that is in the anime. He used to be very chubby. But now his a very tall handsome young man, not chubby anymore. Until around his secondary school years, i used to ask for a kiss on the cheek from him. And he would voluntarily give me one. But after that, i stopped asking for it...^_^ I love him so much.
That's a glimpse about my family.
I miss them so much.
Well, the american idol is finished now. MR is already asleep. I have to go to bed too before he pops his head out of the bedroom with a frown on his face telling me to go to sleep, right away.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Meet The Wiermans
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sun Tanning @ Singapore Air Show
Singapore Air Show digelar dua tahun sekali. Event berskala internasional ini selalu menarik banyak perhatian dan minat bagi siapa saja. Tidak khusus kepada para pebisnis atau pihak-pihak yang terkait langsung dengan dunia penerbangan, baik sipil maupun militer, tetapi juga masyarakat pada umumnya.
Sebagai masyarakat umum, saya tentunya juga tertarik untuk datang. Selain karena saya belum pernah datang ke air show manapun sebelumnya, juga karena pada air show kali ini A380 dipertontonkan 'live' didepan mata Anda. Ingin lihat dong, pesawat super besar yang katanya mother of all aircraft itu.
Alhamdulillah, dapet tiket gratis untuk business day *makasih ya pakde-nya Ipeh*. Maka kami datang di hari keempat, Jumat 22 Februari. Kebetulan teman-teman kantor MR juga dapat tiket gratis dari Bos, jadi kita pergi sama-sama ke air show.
Untungnya pergi pas business day, masih banyak pesawat-pesawat yang dipertontonkan (static display). Malahan beberapa masih boleh dinaiki sehingga kita bisa numpang foto-foto didalamnya. Cuma sayang, waktu kita datang, A380 sudah tidak boleh dinaiki. Sepertinya sih sudah mulai dipersiapkan untuk solo flight saat Air Show. Yah, tidak apa-apa, yang penting sudah lihat langsung.
Ternyata, A380 tidak sebesar yang saya bayangkan sebelumnya, atau lebih tepatnya tidak sepanjang yang saya bayangkan. Tapi memang sangat bulky kalau dibandingkan pesawat-pesawat lainnya karena seluruh fuselagenya berisi dua lantai untuk mengangkut penumpang, jadinya sangat gendut. Kalau lihat di darat, gak kebayang deh bagaimana pesawat sebesar itu bisa terbang. Habis, kelihatannya berat di body sih... :pBagi saya, tidak banyak yang menarik disana itu selain A380 dan Air Show-nya sendiri. Mungkin karena saya tidak berniat untuk beli pesawat kali ya...
Air shownya sih keren, as expected. Ceritanya kita mau mencoba berburu foto-foto pesawat walaupun peralatan kita sangat minim. Tapi saya frustasi, jadi daripada berburu foto, lebih baik saya merekam video saja.
Foto oleh-oleh dari airshow bisa dilihat disini, dan videonya ada disini.
Tapi hari itu... panasnya duuuhh... ampuuun...
MR sampai terbakar muka dan lengannya.
Untung kami datang bukan saat public day. Baca-baca beritanya di forum fotografi lokal singapura, banyak sekali pengalaman tidak enaknya. Masak ada yang naik shuttle bus dari Pasir Ris MRT jam 10, baru sampai di lokasi jam 12.40, itu pun belum masuk ke area air show. Ada juga yang mengantri registrasi jam 10, baru bisa masuk area air show jam 2.30! Wah, gak kebayang deh.
Anyway, kalau belum pernah ke air show sih perlu lah barang sekali saja mengunjunginya. Tapi perlu dipersiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan sangat baik. Terutama time management kalau Anda berkunjung saat public day. Harus diperhitungkan panjangnya berbagai macam antrian, lamanya kemacetan, perbekalan terutama air minum, dll supaya kita gak tua di jalan :P. Ekstra persiapan bagi mereka yang membawa anak kecil apalagi bayi. Personally, i wouldn't recommend to bring your infant to such show. The crowd could turn into a human crush.
Lebih bagus lagi kalau bisa dapat tiket business day... :D. It'll save all the hustle, but the trade off is it's way sooo expensive. Di Air show 2008, harga tiket business day S$50.00 untuk pass 1 hari, dan S$150.00 untuk pass 4 hari, tidak termasuk biaya transportasi apapun. Sementara harga tiket public day S$20.00, sudah termasuk shuttle bus dari Pasir Ris MRT. Shuttle bus lain berangkat dari Expo, tapi bayar S$5.00/trip. Berangkat menuju air show bisa juga naik taksi, tapi pasti mahal karena jauh. Pulangnya bahkan lebih mahal lagi karena ada surcharge S$8.00.

Yah, itu deh cerita air show.
MR jadi item, untungnya saya gak ikutan jadi item. Baju saya udah fully covered, plus sun glasses, plus hari itu saya iseng pakai foundation yang ber-sun block. Diduga kuat gara-gara foundation itulah muka saya tidak terbakar.
Jangan lupa, enjoy some photos here, and videos here.
Jadwal Shalat Singapura 2008
Supaya gak pusing lagi cari jadwal shalat untuk tahun 2008, saya buat saja sekalian di blog.
Quick link menuju postingan ini akan saya letakkan pada sidebar, atau bisa juga menandai halaman ini pada bookmark Anda.
Semoga bermanfaat.
*** Tahun 2008 - Hijriah 1428/1429 ***
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.45 | 7.07 | 1.11 | 4.35 | 7.11 | 8.26 |
5 | 5.47 | 7.09 | 1.13 | 4.36 | 7.13 | 8.27 |
9 | 5.48 | 7.10 | 1.14 | 4.37 | 7.14 | 8.28 |
12 | 5.50 | 7.12 | 1.15 | 4.38 | 7.16 | 8.29 |
15 | 5.51 | 7.13 | 1.16 | 4.39 | 7.17 | 8.30 |
18 | 5.53 | 7.14 | 1.18 | 4.40 | 7.18 | 8.31 |
23 | 5.55 | 7.15 | 1.19 | 4.41 | 7.20 | 8.32 |
28 | 5.56 | 7.16 | 1.20 | 4.41 | 7.20 | 8.33 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.57 | 7.17 | 1.20 | 4.41 | 7.21 | 8.33 |
5 | 5.58 | 7.17 | 1.20 | 4.41 | 7.21 | 8.33 |
8 | 5.58 | 7.17 | 1.20 | 4.40 | 7.22 | 8.33 |
11 | 5.58 | 7.17 | 1.21 | 4.40 | 7.22 | 8.32 |
14 | 5.58 | 7.17 | 1.20 | 4.39 | 7.22 | 8.32 |
18 | 5.59 | 7.17 | 1.20 | 4.38 | 7.22 | 8.32 |
22 | 5.58 | 7.16 | 1.20 | 4.36 | 7.21 | 8.31 |
26 | 5.58 | 7.15 | 1.19 | 4.34 | 7.21 | 8.30 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.58 | 7.14 | 1.19 | 4.29 | 7.20 | 8.29 |
6 | 5.57 | 7.13 | 1.18 | 4.28 | 7.19 | 8.28 |
10 | 5.56 | 7.12 | 1.17 | 4.24 | 7.18 | 8.27 |
14 | 5.55 | 7.11 | 1.15 | 4.20 | 7.18 | 8.26 |
17 | 5.54 | 7.09 | 1.15 | 4.18 | 7.17 | 8.25 |
21 | 5.52 | 7.08 | 1.13 | 4.14 | 7.16 | 8.24 |
25 | 5.51 | 7.07 | 1.12 | 4.14 | 7.15 | 8.23 |
29 | 5.49 | 7.06 | 1.11 | 4.15 | 7.14 | 8.22 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.48 | 7.05 | 1.10 | 4.16 | 7.13 | 8.22 |
3 | 5.48 | 7.04 | 1.10 | 4.17 | 7.12 | 8.21 |
7 | 5.46 | 7.02 | 1.08 | 4.18 | 7.11 | 8.21 |
11 | 5.44 | 7.01 | 1.07 | 4.19 | 7.10 | 8.20 |
15 | 5.43 | 7.00 | 1.06 | 4.20 | 7.09 | 8.19 |
19 | 5.42 | 6.59 | 1.05 | 4.21 | 7.09 | 8.19 |
23 | 5.40 | 6.58 | 1.05 | 4.22 | 7.08 | 8.19 |
27 | 5.39 | 6.58 | 1.04 | 4.22 | 7.08 | 8.18 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.38 | 6.57 | 1.03 | 4.23 | 7.07 | 8.19 |
4 | 5.37 | 6.57 | 1.03 | 4.24 | 7.07 | 8.19 |
8 | 5.36 | 6.56 | 1.03 | 4.24 | 7.07 | 8.19 |
12 | 5.35 | 6.56 | 1.03 | 4.25 | 7.07 | 8.20 |
16 | 5.35 | 6.56 | 1.03 | 4.26 | 7.07 | 8.20 |
20 | 5.34 | 6.56 | 1.03 | 4.27 | 7.07 | 8.21 |
24 | 5.34 | 6.57 | 1.03 | 4.27 | 7.08 | 8.22 |
28 | 5.34 | 6.57 | 1.04 | 4.28 | 7.09 | 8.23 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.34 | 6.57 | 1.04 | 4.29 | 7.09 | 8.23 |
3 | 5.35 | 6.58 | 1.05 | 4.30 | 7.10 | 8.24 |
7 | 5.35 | 6.58 | 1.06 | 4.31 | 7.10 | 8.25 |
11 | 5.36 | 6.59 | 1.07 | 4.32 | 7.11 | 8.26 |
15 | 5.36 | 7.00 | 1.07 | 4.33 | 7.12 | 8.27 |
19 | 5.37 | 7.01 | 1.08 | 4.33 | 7.13 | 8.28 |
23 | 5.38 | 7.02 | 1.09 | 4.34 | 7.14 | 8.29 |
27 | 5.39 | 7.02 | 1.10 | 4.35 | 7.15 | 8.30 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.40 | 7.03 | 1.11 | 4.35 | 7.15 | 8.30 |
4 | 5.41 | 7.04 | 1.11 | 4.36 | 7.16 | 8.31 |
8 | 5.42 | 7.05 | 1.12 | 4.36 | 7.16 | 8.31 |
12 | 5.43 | 7.05 | 1.12 | 4.36 | 7.17 | 8.31 |
16 | 5.44 | 7.06 | 1.13 | 4.36 | 7.17 | 8.31 |
20 | 5.44 | 7.06 | 1.13 | 4.36 | 7.17 | 8.31 |
25 | 5.45 | 7.06 | 1.13 | 4.36 | 7.17 | 8.30 |
29 | 5.45 | 7.06 | 1.13 | 4.35 | 7.17 | 8.30 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.46 | 7.06 | 1.13 | 4.34 | 7.17 | 8.29 |
4 | 5.46 | 7.06 | 1.12 | 4.33 | 7.16 | 8.28 |
8 | 5.46 | 7.06 | 1.12 | 4.32 | 7.16 | 8.27 |
12 | 5.46 | 7.05 | 1.11 | 4.30 | 7.15 | 8.26 |
15 | 5.46 | 7.05 | 1.11 | 4.29 | 7.14 | 8.25 |
18 | 5.46 | 7.04 | 1.10 | 4.26 | 7.14 | 8.24 |
23 | 5.45 | 7.02 | 1.09 | 4.24 | 7.12 | 8.22 |
28 | 5.44 | 7.01 | 1.07 | 4.20 | 7.11 | 8.20 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.43 | 7.01 | 1.06 | 4.17 | 7.09 | 8.19 |
4 | 5.42 | 7.00 | 1.05 | 4.14 | 7.08 | 8.17 |
7 | 5.41 | 6.58 | 1.04 | 4.12 | 7.07 | 8.16 |
11 | 5.40 | 6.57 | 1.03 | 4.08 | 7.06 | 8.14 |
14 | 5.39 | 6.56 | 1.02 | 4.05 | 7.04 | 8.13 |
17 | 5.38 | 6.55 | 1.01 | 4.01 | 7.03 | 8.12 |
22 | 5.37 | 6.53 | 12.59 | 4.01 | 7.01 | 8.10 |
27 | 5.35 | 6.52 | 12.57 | 4.03 | 6.59 | 8.08 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.35 | 6.51 | 12.56 | 4.04 | 6.58 | 8.07 |
5 | 5.34 | 6.50 | 12.55 | 4.05 | 6.57 | 8.05 |
9 | 5.33 | 6.49 | 12.54 | 4.05 | 6.55 | 8.04 |
13 | 5.31 | 6.48 | 12.52 | 4.06 | 6.54 | 8.03 |
17 | 5.30 | 6.48 | 12.52 | 4.07 | 6.53 | 8.03 |
21 | 5.29 | 6.47 | 12.51 | 4.08 | 6.52 | 8.02 |
25 | 5.28 | 6.47 | 12.50 | 4.09 | 6.52 | 8.02 |
29 | 5.28 | 6.47 | 12.50 | 4.09 | 6.51 | 8.02 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.27 | 6.47 | 12.50 | 4.10 | 6.51 | 8.02 |
5 | 5.27 | 6.47 | 12.50 | 4.11 | 6.51 | 8.03 |
10 | 5.27 | 6.47 | 12.50 | 4.12 | 6.51 | 8.03 |
13 | 5.27 | 6.48 | 12.51 | 4.13 | 6.52 | 8.04 |
17 | 5.27 | 6.48 | 12.52 | 4.14 | 6.52 | 8.05 |
20 | 5.28 | 6.49 | 12.52 | 4.15 | 6.53 | 8.06 |
23 | 5.29 | 6.50 | 12.54 | 4.17 | 6.54 | 8.08 |
28 | 5.30 | 6.52 | 12.55 | 4.18 | 6.55 | 8.10 |
Date | Subuh | Syuruk | Dhuhur | Ashar | Maghrib | Isya |
1 | 5.31 | 6.53 | 12.57 | 4.20 | 6.57 | 8.11 |
5 | 5.32 | 6.54 | 12.58 | 4.22 | 6.59 | 8.13 |
9 | 5.34 | 6.56 | 1.00 | 4.24 | 7.00 | 8.15 |
13 | 5.36 | 6.58 | 1.02 | 4.26 | 7.02 | 8.17 |
17 | 5.38 | 7.00 | 1.04 | 4.28 | 7.04 | 8.19 |
21 | 5.40 | 7.02 | 1.06 | 4.30 | 7.06 | 8.21 |
25 | 5.42 | 7.04 | 1.08 | 4.32 | 7.08 | 8.23 |
29 | 5.43 | 7.06 | 1.09 | 4.33 | 7.10 | 8.25 |
Sunday, February 24, 2008
'Tira i miss u' is still my fave
Dalam rangka menyambut kedatangan J.Co di Singapura, dengan senang hati kami mengunjunginya di Raffles City, #B1-44M. Heaven Berry, Miss Green Tea, and Tira I Miss U had made our day.
This one's for you, Kak ... ^_^
S$1.20 for glazzy donut
S$1.30 for donuts with topping
Istana Open House.... kelewat
Huaaa.. baru tau dari blognya Pak Indra kalo tanggal 8 Februari kemaren, satu hari setelah Chinese New Year, ada Istana Open House lagi. Langsung deh marahin MR, kok bisa gak tahu ada Istana Open House. Padahal dia tahu saya pengen banget ke Istana. Dulu MR bilang jarang-jarang Istana Open House. Setahun sekali belum tentu. Jadi bener-bener kesempatan bagus kalo bisa datang ke Istana Open House.
Ini sudah kedua kalinya kelewatan Open House-nya Istana. Jangan sampe tiga kali deh... hehehe. Atas petunjuk link dari Pak Indra, langsung aja cari info Open House selanjutnya. Ternyata, tahun ini banyak jadwal open house. Sudah 3 event yang terjadwal dan 1 masih tentative.
Berikut copy-paste kutipan info tentang Istana Open House.
The next Istana Open Houses have been scheduled for:
* Thursday, 1 May 2008 (to celebrate Labour Day)
* Sunday, 3 August 2008 (to celebrate National Day)
* Wednesday, 1 October 2008 (to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa)
* Tuesday, 28 Oct 2008 (tentative) (to celebrate Deepavali)
Admission to the Istana grounds is free for Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents. Others, including foreign visitors, are required to pay an entrance fee of $1 per person. Entrance to the grounds is via the main gate at Orchard Road. Opening hours are usually from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm.
So i marked my calendar. 1 May ^_^
Insya Allah i'll go. Kalau kelewat lagi, tidak usah marah-marah. Masih ada yang selanjutnya tanggal 3 Agustus. Kelewat lagi? 1 Oktober... hehehe.. Asal masih tahun ini deh.
Btw, ada yang tahu, kalau Istana Presiden di Indonesia ada acara Open House juga ga sih?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Lihat Muatannya! - part 2
Abis bongkar-bongkar foto di kamera, ketemu foto ini.
Yang hebat pada foto ini adalah... cara packingnya...
Coba bandingkan dengan yang ini!