Tuesday, March 20, 2007


What would you do, if your external harddisk, -- a 40GB worth of your data containing mostly pictures from every events and every places you visited for the last 5 years; your wedding pictures and video files; more than 1000 of MP3 files; some of your work data; miscellaneous files like your resume, ebook files, etc --, has suddenly stopped working?!

I'm still in shock, don't know how to react.
There is not so much important files in the harddisk, but still...



Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that sist...
aaanyway...cheer up...it's not the end of the world...it's just the end of your harddisk... =D
ke bandung yuk...gw pulang wiken ini...

Anonymous said...

bdoa bdoa ^^;;
coba ke glodok dibenerin.. dulu gw pernah nyelametin data di situ..

eh di singapore mustinya jg ada.. tapi mahal gak yah..

Anonymous said...

hah??... :((

Anonymous said...

kalo dari cerita lu keliatannya cuma motor penggerak reader dalam hdd itu yang rusak. berarti piringan datanya masih oke. bisa direcover lho. bawa aja ke data recovery center. mereka bisa ambil piringan data itu trus baca pake alat mereka. trus bisa dipindahin ke cd/dvd. jadi banyak sih. or pindahin ke hdd lain. agak mahal sih tapi kalo datanya penting ya gimana. di korea dulu gue pernah ke data recovery center sekali. hdd 80G kena charge 120-an rb won. hiks...

Anonymous said...

sorry.... itu comment dari hendry - korea ^_^