Monday, June 23, 2008

Forbidden Kingdom... oh gosh...

If you spend your breakfast time around your TV and have you eyes glued to the Primetime Morning on Channel News Asia, then you must know a segment called Zoom In. It's a segment about the latest movie reviews. You cannot forget it's presenter, Melanie Oliveiro with that monotonous voice of her and the popcorn-based-rating she gives to every movie she reviewed.

After having our daily dose of prime time morning for about five months now, Ridha and I agree upon one thing. The movie review lady does not give away her popcorns so easily. Often, the movies being reviewed got around two or three popcorns (on the scale of five as the highest). We started to believe that there is never a good enough movie to get five popcorns from her. As far as i know, the most popcorn she gave lately is four, to the movie Kung Fu Panda (and yes, that movie is a good one, i would have given out five popcorns if i were her).

This Zoom In segment has now become our morning games. Ridha and I will take a guess of how many popcorn the movie will get from her.

I remember when she reviewed the movie Forbidden Kingdom. Her review said that the movie was very disappointing. So we guessed she would give like two popcorns. And to our dismay, she gave out ONE popcorn. It means 'Don't bother', if I am not mistaken.
"What...? That movie has Jackie Chan and Jet Li in it. One popcorn? Come on... is she serious? Is it really that bad?"

Since then, we were set to watch Forbidden Kingdom. We didn't know when or where, but we would watch it. It's sort of like a reverse psychology, you know. You say something and expect the result in the other way around. :P

Finally, we watched Forbidden Kingdom last night. Yeaah, i know it's bit too late for that, but...hey, who cares :D. And guess what... that movie IS sucks. Sucks to the bone... haha..! I guess I was expecting too much from Jet Li and Jackie Chan in that movie. They're way too big for the movie. There was nothing much going on with the kung fu either. Nothing made me go "wow, that's cool!"

And that night, for the first time we praised Melanie Oliveiro for giving away only one popcorn for this movie.

P.S: I always wonder how many popcorns did The Lord of The Ring trilogy get from her.


Ardho said...
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Ardho said...

hehehe.. tadi komennya ketuker.. abis ini comment formnya kebuka dua2nya langsung hahaha..

emangnya bener2 jelek ya? disini belom keluar soalnya.. :D