Friday, October 28, 2005

The Wedding

Image hosted by Photobucket.comWe've spread the invitations to friends and relatives about two weeks before the wedding. So after all the hectic in the preparation, the time finally came. Ridha came back to Bandung just three days before the wedding. He basically didn't know much about any details, since he was in Singapore all the time of the preparation.
One day before the wedding, there was this event called 'malam bainai'. This is a traditional Minangkabau ritual for the bride to be. The wedding was also held in Minangkabau tradition. The ceremony took place in Masjid Junudurrahmah, in Bandung, while the reception was held in the Moh. Toha Building, KODILKAT TNI AU, which is located right beside the mosque.
Here you can find some pictures from my wedding.
So that's it. Just like that, and suddenly I'm married. I'm a wife now. And I enjoy my life being a wife.