Saturday, June 10, 2006

A little feast for our anniversary celebration

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingWe had a little feast with some friends for celebrating our anniversary. Not only the anniversary, but my husband's birthday was also around the anniversary day. So we actuallly had two celebrations. I cooked gulai ikan and lalap daun singkong complete with sambal goreng. There were about sixteen friends at the time. All of my cooking are finished. I'm so happy. The feast was a success considering that it was my first time of preparing meals for quite a lot of people. Well, at least we had shared our joy with some friends.

Happy birthday, honey... may Allah SWT bless your life and give you success in all coming years.
Happy anniversary to us... may Allah SWT bless our love and life for us to form a sakinah mawadah warohmah family.