Sunday, January 1, 2006

New Year, so what?

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Selamat Tahun Baru 2006.

Apa cerita tahun baru?
Tidak ada. Saya dan suami hanya di rumah saja, nonton tivi. Banyak film-film bagus malam ini, gak berhenti sejak sore tadi. Mulai dari Operation Dumbo Drop, lanjut Ice Age, lanjut Hollow Man yang berbarengan dengan Lord of the Ring 1 dan Kungfu Hustle serta Tuxedo **sampe bingung mau nonton yang mana**

Yak, sudah melewati detik tahun baru. Maka sekarang resmi tanggal 1 Januari 2006.

So it's New Year. So what? And why did i put capital for the term?

It's new year. It's just another day gone by. The day is nothing significantly different from yesterday, or the day before, or before... The day will only be a better day if you can be a better person than what you were yesterday. In fact everyday can be a better day if you can be a better person than what you were yesterday.

So, happy new year to all of you who resolve to be a better person in everyday of the rest of your life.

**so easy to say.. yet so hard to do**