Friday, February 3, 2006

Refuse to cook

Image hosting by PhotobucketEvery once in a while, there were times when i dont feel like cooking. At all! Although i have all the ingredients I need to make a cook, but i just dont want to do it. So it's time for quick solution!
Get on a bus, go to Giant, and buy 2 black-pepper roasted chickens. Yes two! Cost only S$9.00 for two, while S$4.90 for one. So, it's better to buy two, right?
Then go back home, cut the chicken and reheat it in the microwave, take out a bottle of soya beans sauce with relish from the fridge, prepare cucumber slices,... and we're ready for dinner, honey!
As i bought two roasted chickens, that means we can go on having the same meal for three to four times the next days before we get bored. But fortunately, we never got bored with the chicken. Because it's delicious!